ESPER Goes to School
"Inspiring Future Philatelists"
ESPER Goes to School
Team ESPER visited two elementary schools on Friday, November 2nd - Charles Drew and Hoffman-Boston in Virginia. Over 100 5th grade students gained an awareness of stamp collecting, philatelic vocabulary, and the contributions of African Americans to our country. Both schools received ESPER’s Topical Guide of U.S. Stamps Honoring African Americans and Related Subjects (February 2018 edition) as well as ESPER Activity Books for their school libraries.

Students holding poster of Duke Ellington in group photo with ESPER volunteers.

Clarence McKnight with Elizabeth Rankin-Fulcher

Ms. Melissa Hinkson (ESPER member), 5th grade teacher at Hoffman-Boston showing students her stamp pin.

ESPER members and volunteers: Philip Williams, Betty Lewis, Elizabeth Rankin-Fulcher, Clarence McKnight, and Walter Faison . Back row: William Jordan and Jean Lewis

Student shows he found the rare"Inverted Jenny" stamp to volunteer Philip Williams.

The rare "Inverted Jenny" stamp is worth over $1,000,000.
ESPER would like to thank 5th grade teacher Melissa Hinkson (ESPER member) for setting up our visit; Heidi Smith, Principal; Catherine Han, Assistant Principal; Gregg Siegal, Zach Fritz, Wendy Warley, Zach Martini, Molly Haines, and Elizabeth Clavel-Love, Registar for securing parking spaces.