ESPER at SESE 2024

Group of ESPER members attending SESE 2024
This past January The Southeast Federation of Stamp Clubs held their Annual World of Philately Show the Southeastern Stamp Expo at the Hilton Atlanta Northeast. ESPER was well represented at the meeting from day one of the three day event.
The theme of the show was the ‘Commemorating the Centenary of the Birth of Former US President and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient Jimmy Carter.’ Long time ESPER Member Mark Thompson had a non-competitive exhibit that featured ‘The Inauguration Covers of President James Carter.’ Mark also entered the competitive exhibit ‘Women of the Black Heritage Series.’
ESPER member and Treasurer Rosina Major exhibit at the SESE for the first time. Her non-competitive exhibit ‘Stamps and Children’s Books – A Learning Combination’ was well received and received many positive comments. Rosina also worked ESPER’s soci ety table.
ESPER member and Reflections Editor Don Neal was present and worked ESPER’s society table. Don also participated in the Cachetmakers’ Bourse on Saturday. His business is known as 6° Cachets.
ESPER member Barbara Asher (Stamp Explorers) provided dozens of stamp starter packages for ESPER members to share with children and new collectors. Each member attending ESPER’s Saturday General meeting received two starter packages.
Saturday the 27th January ESPER held a General Meeting. Georgia Chapter Director Tony Thaxton Jr. gave an over view of the successful 35th Anniversary Program. Special guest Verel Thaxton talked about Constance Barker Motley, the subject of the 2024 Black Heritage Stamp. Vivian Roscoe presented her favorite stamp Dorothy Height, the subject of the 2017 Black Heritage Stamp. Walter Faison presented his favorite stamp on a Carol Gordon cover ‘Strange Fruit’ featuring a 29cent Billy Holiday Stamp from the 1994 Blues and Jazz Singers Series. The meeting ended with a group picture: Tony Thaxton Jr., Verel Thaxton, Jan Kennedy, Vivian Roscoe, Walter Faison, Mark Thompson, and Ricky Johnson. Many other ESPER members attended the SESE but were not available for the group picture.
The SESE ended Sunday with many ESPER members happy with their purchases, pleased with their fellowship with old friends and new acquaints, and looking forward to the 2025 SESE. By Tony Thaxton

Rosina Major at ESPER table.

Don Neal at vendor cover table

Walter Faison, Ricky Johnson and Don Neal

Don Neal by his 6 Degree covers display

Rosina Major and Don Neal at award dinner

ESPER member Vivian Roscoe at SESE youth table.

Mark Thompson from Tenn.

From left to right Rosina Major, Don Neal and Linda Thompson
Anthony F. Dewey (left) receives Edwin Jackson Award from Don Neal

Mark Thompson from Tenn receiving Large Vermeil award for his, Women of the Black Heritage Series -
From the Halls of Congress
Vivian Roscoe from N. C.
Doug, ESPER member and vendor with wife

Rosina Major from NY and Rickey Johnson from NC

Rosina Major - Stamps and Children's Books- A -ComLearning Combination. (Non -Competitive Exhibit

Close up of Walter Faison "Strange Fruit" Cover

First cover artist Chris Calle

Closeup of Rosina exhibit

Walter Faison, with his Billie Holiday "Strange Fruit" stamp cover for Show and Tell.

Lloyd A de Vries and Foster Miller in the back

APS Ken Martin on left and unknown attendee

Mark Thompson, Chris Calle and Foster Miller
Ricky Johnson on right with attendee at SESE

Ricky Johnson in red at vendor stamp table.

ESPER members with Don Neal on the right

American Topical Association booth

First cover artist Chris Calle with
his show covers

Child at vendor booth looking though stamps

ESPER member Charlie Hamilton and wife Diana Hamilton from C&D Philatelics in Virgina

ESPER members LeAnna Coe (left) and Barbara Asher at the youth stamp station